
Monday, January 28, 2013

Easy steps in becoming wealthy

                                   RULES OF WEALTH

                                                   RULE NUMBER (1)

Anybody can make money - it isn't selective or discriminatory

The thing about money is that it really doesn't discriminate. It doesn't care what color or race you are, what class you are, what your parents did, or even who you THINK you are. Each an every day starts with a clean slates so that no matter what you did yesterday, today begins a new and you have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else to take as much as you want. The only thing that can hold you back is YOURSELF and your own money myths of the wealth of the world each has much as they take. What else could make sense? There is no way money can know who is handling it, what their qualifications are, what ambitions they have or what class they belong to. Money has no ears or eyes or senses.It is inert, inanimate, impassive. It hasn't a clue.It is there to be used and spent, saved and invested, fought over, seduced with and worked for. It has no discriminatory apparatus so it can't judge whether you are "worthy" or not.

I have watched a lot of extremely wealthy people and the one thing they all have in common is that they have nothing in common - apart from all being Rules Players of course. The wealthy are a diverse band of people - the least likely can be loaded. They vary from the genteel to the uncouth, the savvy to the plain stupid, the deserving to the undeserving. But each and every one of them has stepped up and said. 'Yes please, I want some of that'. And the poor are the ones saying, 'No thank you, not for me, I am not worthy...I am not deserving enough. I couldn't. I mustn't. I shouldn't.

That's what this RULES OF WEALTH is about, challenging your perceptions of money and the wealthy. We all assume the poor are poor because of circumstances, their background, their upbringing, their nature. But if you have the means to Read such an Articles like this and live in comparative security and comfort in the world then you too have the power to be wealthy. It may be hard. It may be tough but it is doable. And that is Rule 1 - anyone can be wealthy, you jst have to apply yourself. All the other Rules are about the applications.......More of the rules coming from Reliable Click  by Eng. Tajudeen.Oluwadare.Ismail

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