
Friday, June 20, 2014

Super Eagles Camp Divided?

Super Eagles Camp Divided?

Is There A Divide In The Super Eagles Camp

 Jun 20, 2014 12:00 PM
It's obvious that football unites Nigerians regardless of their tribe, Nigerians give their all in-terms of support to the team that represents them at international meet, when the national football team is playing the roads are free of traffic because everyone is in front of their TV following the match live.
This same reaction is evident as Nigerians again sat in front of their TV as the Super Eagles played against Iran they thought Nigeria will beat with a lot of goals, that didn't happen as their fans were left disappointed with the performance from the Super Eagles.
Though the Super Eagles fans are very angry at the performance of their darling team in her first match in Brazil but the Nigerian in them still believes that the Super Eagles will fly against Bosnia. Lately worrying news broke that there was a divide in the Super Eagles camp, which to a large extent might hinder the Super Eagles from playing as one unit.
Sports Vanguard has revealed that when the Super Eagles file out against Bosnia & Herzegovina in their second match at the World Cup the Nigerian team may not be united.
According to Vanguard Sports, a deep-rooted animosity exist in the camp of the Super Eagles in Brazil which has eaten deep into the unity of the team and torn the team into three different groups who are loyal to a camp.
A group is said to consist of players who are loyal to captain Joseph Yobo who want him to make a record 100 appearance for the Super Eagles. Another group is said to be loyal to one of the assistant coach who is said to be very influential in camp, the loyalist are players he influenced their selection.
Vanguard Sports reports that this group are alleged to be very angry with Turkey based Emmanuel Emenike because they felt he has suddenly grown wings, proud and arrogant and in exchange he won't be feed with passes.
If all these happen against Bosnia & Herzegovina then Nigeria should be ready to go back home with a bag full of goals.
As regards inform Stoke City striker, Peter Osaze Odemwingie, Vanguard Sports reports that Osaze has been left alone in a pathetic situation to sulk coach Stephen Keshi's recent out burst on him that he didn't play to instruction in the match against Iran.
One of the most important in ingredient of a successful team is TEAM WORK and if the African Champions lack this important ingredient then over a hundred and seventy million Nigerians should just look beyond Brazil.

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