The Red Kidney Bean Pod has kept pretty too long in my view to raise its beautiful head in the Nigerian Alternative Medicine health store shelves. About 10 years ago, a traditional Nigerian gentleman, Oyeniyi Azeez, tried to bring this heart and kidney herb from under the bushel but gave up the struggle soon after because too many hurdles littered the way. The Red Kidney Bean Pod has the reputation of helping out where many kidney herbals give up, especially in cases of dropsy and water logging which may also involve the heart. Thus, in years gone by, if herbs such as Mistletoe, Dandelion, need an extra hand, the Red Kidney Bean Pod was there to think about. But the trouble always was that, in Nigeria, it was not readily available, although it was abundant in the hinterland of south-western Nigeria and in eastern Nigeria. The Yorubas of southwestern Nigeria call it epo ewa popondo (d:r d:d d:d:m). Pastor Jude Ashikodi, an Igbo, says his people call it Okpodu and often cook it over about two days before it is ready for the dinning-table. For this reason, this bean is not popular in Nigerian traditional cuisine.
Many people in Nigeria have seen the Red Kidney Bean, but not the pod. The bean is one of the ingredients of salads, and often comes canned from Europe. It is a much bigger bean than the average well-known bean. It is red like the human kidney and has the kidney’s shape, two herbal signature tunes which suggest it is both food and medicine for the kidney. It is less popular for the dinning table than other varieties of beans because it takes much, much longer to cook. The pod which houses it is the most medicinal part for kidney and heart conditions associated with accumulation of fluids in the body.
According to NEW WAY HERBS, the goal of which is to find new ways out of old ideas: “Bean Pod Extracts are diuretic and anti-rheumatic, and is good for dropsy (water accumulation in the tissues). At the same time, it calms the spasms and normalises urination. As a direct consequence, the body loses a great amount of toxins, an important result for the amelioration of rheumatic states.”
Many people are troubled by fluid accumulation in soft tissue. Usually the water logging takes place in the legs because of the force of gravity which forces everything downwards. Sometimes, this swellings are caused by a failing heart. Sometimes, also, they are caused by failing kidneys. If the heart is the problem, this swellings soon disappear when the legs are raised on a plane higher than the rest of the body, or when one goes to sleep at night and the legs and the body are on even plane. If the kidneys originate the swellings, the water logging hardly abate or disappear unless the kidneys are stimulated to do their job. Sometimes, the heart and the kidneys may have no hands in these matters, especially if the swelling is in one leg, such as is caused by Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT).
According to NEW WAYS HERBS:
“Bean Pod has been shown to be effective in loweringblood sugar levels and can be used (with the concurrence of a doctor) for mild cases of diabetes.
“Bean Pod extract naturally blocks the absorption and expulsion of the carbohydrates eaten as part of a daily diet. Bean Pod has, in recent years, has been propelled into the limelight as an effective agent in the fight against weight gain and obesity. Other health benefits include its ability to lower triglycerides and scientific studies have shown it effectiveness in relieving the symptoms of arthritis and also in the prevention of coronary heart disease. Bean Pod herbal extract is good for states of dropsy (water accumulation in the tissues), kidney and urinary bladder diseases, such as cystitis. At the same time, Bean Pod helps calm spasms, normalize urination and increasing the quantity of urine, removing excess water from the body. Bean Pod has a safe profile with no reported adverse effects or contraindication with other drug regimes.
“A rich source of cholesterol-lowering fiber, and increased dietary fiber is thought to be an excellent way to promote good cardiac health. The contribution to heart health lies not just in the fiber but in the significant amounts of antioxidants, folic acid, vitamin B6 and magnesium.
These herbal benefits of Bean Pod lower levels of homocysteine, an amino acid that is an important metabolic process. Elevated blood levels of this amino acid are an independent risk factor of heart attack, stroke, or peripheral vascular disease.
“In regard to regulating healthy blood sugar levels, the starch blocker extracts in Bean Pod have also been shown to reduce or prevent the rise in blood sugar levels after the meal in both healthy people and diabetics. This effect may be helpful in the treatment of blood sugar disorders, including those with insulin resistance or hypoglycemia. Research has been done at UCLA School of Medicine, and it was found that Bean Pod decreased the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. It was also confirmed that Bean Pod extracts help the body stop carbohydrates from breaking down sugars. Patients in the study who took Bean Pod liquid extract lost body fat, not lean muscle.
“Bean Pod benefits the immune system through its anti-infectious effect, destroying injurious microorganisms in the body. The effect is present because of chromium, a substance present in beans with the role of stimulating the lymphatic system. Bean Pod contains organic and mineral substances, vitamins and fiber that play an important role in the body. Intake of Bean Pod herbal liquid can also protect against cancers such as breast, lung and colon cancer. The pro-vitamin B5 helps block the growth of tumors.
“Researchers found a significant reduced frequency of breast cancer in women who consumed a higher intake of beans. And is believed to be a benefit in the alternative treatment of lung cancer. Research suggests that men and women who consume a higher amount of dietary phytoestrogens, such as isoflavones from beans, have a 44 percent to 72 percent lower risk of developing lung cancer compared to those who consumed less.
“Bean Pod extracts are diuretic and anti-rheumatic, and is good for dropsy (water accumulation in the tissues). At the same time, it calms the spasms and normalises urination. As a direct consequence, the body loses a great amount of toxins, an important result for the amelioration of rheumatic states. For those suffering from hyperglycemia, the consumption of Bean Pod tincture is recommended. It has been used to treat urinary bladder diseases, such as cystitis.
“Bean Pod can also be applied directly to the skin for moist eczema, eruptions and itching, and has been able to promote the healing of ulcers, acne and sores.
“Prolonged use of the extract made from the Bean Pod is highly recommended for difficult cases of acne. Bean Pod tincture is comprised of a combination of pods of kidney, white, navy, great northern, and baby lima beans. It contains the following amino acids: tyrosine, trytophan, arginine plus the B vitamin choline and enzyme betaine.”
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