
Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Urinary problems,infections, infertility and other health disorders

Image result for Urinary problems,infections, infertility and other health disorders
Let me quickly mention that Dr Paul Torty presently shuttles betwen Lagos and Abuja for consultations, pls call him on 08038824033 for his schedules.
Also note that we have updated our website and a facebook account Dr Paul Torty through which you can easily read my health blog online, as well as easily make your enquiries for all diagnoses services done in our independent medical laboratory outfit professionally managed by licensed health officers.
You can also place order for different range of our herbal remedies for diabetes, prostate enlargement and urinary problems, as well as ulcer, infections, fibroid cases, male and female infertility such as low sperm count (oligospermia) and hormonal problems found in women. As a matter of fact our website is fully loaded and my face book page – Dr Paul Torty is loaded also. Pls visit our Facebook pages, and website. Make your comment and also like the pages. Besides, I have reliable agent in Abuja, Kaduna, and an office in Enugu and other agents in Onitsha, Owerri, Portharcourt, and Warri. Distance is no barrier wherever you are, call now. In Owerri, our agent is a volunteer agent who took our herbal remedies on the account of long term infertility and today has become our mouth piece in Owerri having taken our remedies with his wife and had twin baby girls. He presently serves as our agent in Owerri for different range of our herbal remedies – for prostate enlargement, infertility, and infection related health issues including our NAFDAC registered formular called Batulin.
Prostate Enlargement And Urinary Problems
Let me relate these few testimonies to our readers; During my enlightenment tour on prostate enlargement in Lagos, a diplomat had met me with his prostate ultrasound result which indicated that his prostate was massively enlarged. His PSA was profusely elevated. He also experienced difficult urination and occasional excessive urination at night hours. He was on our remedy shortly before his retirement as he went back to his country. He became well thereafter. He had continued to introduce me to his people and had invited me to establish an office in his country at his expense.
Another testimony I have related in this column is that a man was rushed to our clinic with complete blockage of urine as a result of prostate enlargement. Few weeks before his urine completely stopped, he had ignored certain symptoms such as excess urination at night, inability to completely empty the bladder and occasional difficulty during urination. The wife advised him to seek medical attention but he ignored the advice. At about 11am that morning he could not urinate at all and he was rushed down to my office by family members and his wife who drove them to my clinic. They had seen me on Television sometime ago where I discussed prostate enlargement and Cancer and how herbal remedies can come to the rescue, and with my address they located my office.  For well over 6 years we have identified documented herbs which are effective in handling prostate problems as well as regulating elevated P.S.A (prostate specific antigen). The herbs also help to prevent tendency for prostate cancer. Individuals on catheter can have it removed after a few weeks of being on the herbal remedy. Early diagnoses such as prostate scan and PSA can help to avoid risky stage of prostate enlargement as well as cancer.
Staphylococcus And Infertility
I will like to state here that bacteria infections like staphylococcus, escheria coli, gonococcus, and kleps are major infections that can cause a lot of havoc in the male and female reproductive system thereby leading to low sperm count, weak erection, lack of sexual desires among married couple, penile and vaginal discharges, irritaitons in the male and female organ, lack of ovulation, unbalanced hormone,,irregular menstruation and at times miscarriages if at all there is conception. For instance staphylococcus are upto 3 species as follows; (a)staph epidermidis which attacks the skin leading to boil and skin irritation and (b) staph saprophyticus which attacks the urinary tract leading to painful urination and biting sensation in the urinary tract and staph aureaus which destroys the immune system thereby leads to numerous symptoms as follows; It attacks the lung leading to staphylococcus pneumonia which eventually results to difficult breathing and cough condition. Staph also leads to meningitis, which is called brain infection leading to brain access and occasional forgetfulness. Staphylococcus attacks the blood thereby leading to crawling and and biting sensations on the skin, staph attacks the bones, the muscles, and joints leading to general body weakness, muscular and joint pains and spasm. Staphylococcus also attacks the ovary, the womb and at times leading to tubal blockage, and therefore leads to female infertility. Certain Medical analysts believe that this infection and other categories of infection could lead to hormonal imbalances thereby leading to a change in the menstrual cycle, scanty menses, and amenorrhea where there is no menses at all. Analysts believe that staphylococcus affects the sperm mortility and viscosity thereby leading to oligaspermia or azospermia where there is low sperm count or no ejaculation of spermatozoa at all and therefore leads to male infertility. Staphylococcus are now resistant to certain antibiotics. Staphylococcus are bacteria infections. Staph infections can combine with other health issues and lead to male and female infertility. Amazingly last year, a secondary school teacher in her late fourties who had been married for well over 19 years without ever getting pregnant was brought to my clinic by her proprietress. She had fibroid, homonal imbalance and staphylococcal infection for serveral years without any solution as she had taken different medication to no avail. She followed her proprietress reluctantly to my office. She didnt have any faith at all as she was frustrated and refused to discuss her health problems with me. I only studied her medical result which she handed over to me reluctantly. She was persuaded and brought to my office by her proprietress. Within two months of taking the herbs she became pregnant while on the herbs and eventually had twin bouncing baby girls to the glory of God. We have many other testomonies which space in this column will not permit me to share now.
Let me quote Professor Franklin D. Lowy of the Columbian University who is a professor of medicine and a senior researcher in Staphylococcal organisms. Professor Lowy submitted according to his well founded research that staphylococcus is “uniquely adaptive” it is carried in the nose and can also spread from one person to the other. According to him staph is highly promiscuous”
Call Dr. Paul Tortyon 08037140368, 08038824033, 08051625888, 08038824033, and  08083860575.  Distance is no barrier wherever you are in Nigeria. Integrity, Honesty and Trust are our watchword  Email:

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