
Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Eight Ways To Overcome Your “Holiday Hangover”

Imagine this, you’ve just spent ten days sipping sinfully delicious cocktails and enjoying scenic views and calming sounds of crashing waves. Your body is recharged; your mind is refreshed and then… The signature scent of Murtala Muhammed International Airport jolts you back to reality and a mild state of shock. Luckily we are here to help with eight ways to ease you back to regular scheduled “adulting”.

Give yourself a day of doing nothing

A Day of Doing Nothing –
The only things that seem welcoming when you’re back home from a holiday are your duvet and pillow. Get in your clean bed, sleep for hours and binge watch your favourite Netflix shows in between. It’s not nearly as exciting as getting lost in the colourful streets of Marrakesh but there is nothing as restorative as the power of sleep, especially when you’re jetlagged. Mute all disturbances, snore loudly and relax.


There’s nothing worse than unpacked, half open suitcases with bits and bobs spilling out onto your bedroom floor; it only makes it that much harder to get back to your normal life. Let go of the anxiety that comes with having things to do, bite the bullet and unpack, clean and your organise your home, shop for groceries and anything else that needs doing, it’ll give you your much-needed closure.

Exercise and get back on a healthy diet

Exercise –
Food is a fundamental element of travel. Most likely, a significant part of your holiday was spent indulging in delicious cuisine and one too many drinks. Now that you’re back, it’s time to fight for your waistline by focussing on your eating habits, drinking LOTS of water and easing back/introducing yourself to a regular workout routine. These healthy habits will keep you energised during the day, help you sleep at night and shake off your holiday blues.

Recreate your favourite dish from your holiday

Food is strongly linked to our memories; you know how certain foods remind you of your childhood? Candyfloss will always remind me of Knot’s Berry Farm in California. It works just the same with travel; one of the first things I did when I got back from my holiday to Senegal was to recreate their signature Chicken Yassa (majorly chicken, onions and mustard).

Post/frame/organise your holiday memories

Don’t be sad it’s over, be happy it happened! A great way to keep your post-holiday mind positive is to relive your unforgettable memories by sharing as many “take me back” pictures and videos as you can across your social media platforms without becoming annoying; there’s a thin line, find it. If you’re not a millennial and are not validated by likes and comments, then simply frame your memories and display them in your home/workplace and organise them into albums.

Become a hometown tourist

Become a Hometown Tourist –
Don’t let the exploring stop once you’re back home. Make a list of the tourist attractions and hidden gems in your city and spend the day pretending to be a tourist with a fresh set of eyes. The best part is you won’t have to fly for six hours to get back to your own bed.

Make plans with your friends/family

Make Plans –
Cap off your first week back at work with a good old-fashioned guys/girls night out. Catch up, share your holiday gist, make new memories and remind yourself that you can’t be on holiday forever because you’d miss them too much… Right?

Plan your next holiday

Plan Your Next Holiday
This might be the most important holiday hangover hack. If you don’t have the financial means to make bookings right away, decide on where you want to explore next, figure out a budget and start saving. Having a new destination to look forward to is the medicine to soothe your pain.

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