
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Dad No oooo,Wenger taking credit in the press

                                      What a dream player...

I’m sure it was only the other days I was talking about how Arsene Wenger’s defense of ‘sensitive’ Gervinho was pretty embarrassing in a ‘dad coming down to your school to tell off the bullies’ kind of way. Well, no sooner had I said that… has a players actual dad come out in the media to rip the manager a new one.
“During a football match the exertion is extreme. In my opinion Mr Wenger messed up a lot during April and May last year. I don’t blame a young man that he got persuaded — I would be, too.
“Wojciech’s form is a result of playing with injury for two months and that he had a problem with a metatarsal in August. OK, he recovered, but after a week he was playing again in the Premier League. How can he be in good shape?
Oh no… Dad… please… keep quiet…
“Transfers were not Wenger’s strong side recently. Good players went out, poor players came in. This guy makes permanent mistakes. His players are often injured — that makes you think about his training process as well. ‘
“His team play in a disgraceful manner. They lose 2-1 to Tottenham, conceding two goals in the same way in two minutes.  ’
“So there is a huge possibility a rival saw Arsenal as a team who constantly make the same mistakes.  ’
“I think that he is burnt out as a manager and as a person, too.  ’
“He lost control with journalists. At a press conference he complains that they dare to ask him questions. ‘
“I think that it is a good time to make a break for him.  ’
“It would be good for him to take the pressure off his shoulders and nerves and reset himself. I believe that he is a good coach and teacher but recently he is boiling up.  ’
“And the plan for running this business got burned out, too. It would be good to make some modifications.”
Jeez, talk about embarrassing. I mean, take him to task over things privately, but don’t go to a media publication. You’re really going to put the cat among the pigeons that way! The statements are pretty crazy as well. The keepers form doesn’t come down to playing with an injury, it comes down to a poor attitude. Coming back from injury early doesn’t affect your kicking, it doesn’t affect you missing 50% of long range shots and it doesn’t force you into messing around with the ball inside your box when you have players bearing down on you.

If there’s some Yin… be sure there’s some Yang for the manager. That came in the shape of a Telegraph article that looks to put all the credit for the recent turn in form onto the shoulders of the manager. We’ve kept two clean sheets right? Not 11 in a row? Well, according to the article, Wenger demanded more attention be place on the backline and he personally oversaw the sessions. He’s the man responsible for the two clean sheets.
‘Wenger has always been completely hands-on with the coaching although it is understood that there has been more delegation over recent months.’*
*(I’m not a control freak, but the defensive improvements are not Bould’s)
Whatever has gone on, it appears that either Wenger has made a conscious effort to improve our preparation… or the club have made a conscious effort to get stories out into the open that indicate Wenger is taking preparation more seriously. As long as the club are improving, I don’t care who gets the credit. Sport is collective glory, not individual.
Some more interesting quotes arrived from our captain.
‘I have made mistakes,’
‘If I played flawlessly in all the matches I would be Lionel Messi. As a footballer you know you what may happen when you play badly.
‘I’m not worried though – it’s only the last games, I have played about 35 times this season. This is Arsenal, they are not a bad team and there is a lot of competition.’
I’m not quite sure you’d be Messi Thomas, but you’d certainly be a better defender. It’s good that he’s accepted he’s not been the best this season. That’s the sign of a real leader. I just hope he can pull his finger out and be the player we need him to be. According to that Telegraph article both he and Koscielny will be here next year with possibly one addition. Good news. Lets hope the preparation improves and the defence is drilled to within an inch of its life!
Right, that’s me done. Have a great day.

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