
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Kanye West’s people say he doesn’t have a God complex

 Kanye West’s people say he doesn’t have a God complex
Kanye West will not be naming his next album I am God, despite what BBC News reported the other day.
The story added, none too reassuringly, that the title is “half tongue-in-cheek.” Only half?
But now the whole thing has been denied by West’s people. One track is entitled I am a God, which is not at all the same thing.
The statement, in part: “We would never be so presumptuous or sacrilegious to call ourselves the supreme being,”
(But if that’s not the divine “we,” then what is it? Royal? Not editorial, obviously: any editor would have added “as” between “sacrilegious” and “to.” But I digress.)
Kanye is 35. God is eternal.

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