
Sunday, March 13, 2016

How to end perennial fuel scarcity

‘How to end perennial fuel scarcity’
In the past few weeks, Nigerian have been groaming under a biting fuel scarcity. Fuel shortage has become a recurring decimal. But it should not be, argues, Dr Victor Iyama, Chairman, Board of Trustees, Cocoa Association of Nigeria (CAN) and President, Federation of Agricultural Commodity Associations of Nigeria (FACAN), In this interview with DANIEL ESSIET, he says if the refinery business becomes open, fuel scarcity will end.
The Federal Government plans to raise N1.84 trillion to fund the budget? How will this affect the economy?
If I was in a position to advise the Federal Government, I would have said we should live within our means. We should be ready to take some painful steps now so the future generation can enjoy. By and large, infrastructure is very important, but we must consider the state of our finance and not plunge the nation into further debts. If strategic infrastructural developments are to be undertaken, it must be done in such a way that the government will spend less. For instance, road infrastructure development should be given to concessionaires. I will support independent concessionaires running them nationwide. Let us get private concerns to run our roads for an agreed number of years and then later hand over the roads to government or extend the concession as the case may be. We can use road tolling as a tool to finance infrastructure. This idea will free up more resources for other things to be done in the country. We are in a precarious situation now; we are here because we refused to save for the rainy day; we were eating everything. This is a government of change. Change must be demonstrated in all ramifications. We must be ready to cut so many things off, if not we will be mortgaging the future of the children yet unborn. I am surprised to read in the papers that the Senate wants to buy new cars. How can they be talking about that? Is it too much for them to use their cars for oversight functions? How can they plan to spend that kind of money on cars now when we say we are tightening our belts?
Nigerians are calling for an economic blue print that will address the falling oil price and aid sustainable development. What do you suggest?
Refinery business should be thrown totally open. If a man has a capacity to refine, then let him be allowed to set up something. Whatever capacity he has to refine, let him be encouraged to set up something. Let the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) be a supervisory body. You don’t have to confine me to a special licence. If the Dangotes of this world can build five billion litres capacity refinery, then let them build it. Let other smaller people with small capacities build whatever capacities they can build. The Niger Delta boys have shown us that there is no big deal in building refineries. They have built so many refineries and they are refining oil. The other day the government destroyed over 2000 of such refineries. We should learn from such places. In the United States, they  have so many small refineries. Government should stop restricting refinery business if it wants to end this fuel scarcity problem. They should throw the business open, then give one year, fuel will be everywhere because there will be open competition. Fuel will drop to N45. That is the only way out. We keep talking about subsidy. What are we subsiding? Throw the business open. The government should start selling crude oil directly to people. If crude oil is $20 per barrel, sell it to Nigerians who want to build refineries at that price. I am not saying sell it at a discount. If it is $30, sell it to us at that price.  In no time, we will be awash with petroleum products. We wouldn’t be importing finished petroleum products. That is the simple truth. I made this suggestion as far as back as 2005. Why all these? If a man can get up today and set up an oil palm processing industry, why can he set up petroleum refinery? Is it not a product? Why are we making it look as if there is something extra ordinary about setting up a petroleum refinery plant? Let them throw open the business. Just give us a maximum of one year; they will be begging people to come and buy fuel beecause it will be everywhere. If government wants, they can maintain their own refineries. But throw refinery business open.
Oil accounts for over 80 per cent of the country’s revenue. Now, with oil prices down, where do we go?
I am one of those who don’t believe in this oil price going up and down stuff.  I believe if you know what is accruable to you, then you plan within that limit. Today, we are all proud of China. How did China achieve economic revival? China closed her doors to foreign goods and services. It built domestic self-sufficiency. The citizens are enjoying today. China has become a big industrial country in many respects and the superpower status is coming into play. We do not produce what we need to sustain ourselves; we import much more than we export. We can’t take on massive debts to sustain our porous standard of living. We should take direct action to reverse our out-of-control trade deficits. It is not that there is no poverty in China but it is minimal. How we can be benchmarking the budget on $38 when we know that price is predicted to drop to $20? Why don’t we do budget of $20? Then, if it goes to $38 or $40, then we can plough the excess to developing the economy.
The government needs to take drastic actions to restore the nation’s economic and financial independence. We must begin to rebuild our industries. It is essential that our government should ensure that we produce most goods and services in our factories employing Nigerians. We should curb our out-of-control spending on unnecessary programmes and initiatives financed by foreign debt. No plan to revive our economic and industrial self-sufficiency will be pain-free. We must rejuvenate our economy. We need to rebuild the economy. I believe we should plan within our limits. The answer to solving this problem, I believe is the non-oil export. Basically, agriculture is key component because it constitutes 85 per cent of the non-oil revenue earning mix. Agriculture is what has been saving us in this country that is why there is no hunger in the land. Though food may be expensive, people still get it to buy. We have thrown the challenge to Federal Government to entrust the mandate of economic revival to the agric sector. We have our template. We can grow the non-oil sector to generate $250 billion yearly as foreign exchange to the government.
Manufacturers and others are crying that the government is restricting foreign exchange (forex) allocation . In your view, what is realistic to grow the economy?
If we are really going to manage the situation, then we should restrict forex allocation to essential items. Every other person should go and source for his own foreign exchange. Government‘s foreign exchange should not be used to import things such toothpick, toilet rolls and all those frivolous things. It should be restricted to very essential things. The other day, some people were complaining that they were not given foreign exchange to import palm oil. What for? If you want to import palm oil go and source for your foreign exchange. We have enough palm oil in this country and if we don’t have enough supply now, we have enough land for people to invest in palm oil plantations. Why should any responsible government give foreign exchange to people to import palm oil?
What stops you from investing in palm oil plantation here and refining it? I am not saying they should ban palm oil importation, but if you want to import it, go and source for your forex outside government purse. Forex allocation should only be for essential things. It should not be provided for wines importation. We should take measures to save the economy. I can assure you that in the long run, people will be forced to go into exportation. If government stands firm on this position of foreign exchange restriction, many people will go into exporting.
There is concern about the export expansion grant. The government is reviewing it because there are reports of abuses, like companies collecting the money and using it for another thing. What is your comment?
No, no, there shouldn’t be the issue of what they use it for. Normally what they use it for is for their needs which supports exports. But of course, if the government  is saying that because of the present state of the economy , it wants to review it, I don’t have any issue with that. Like I told you, we all have to sacrifice one thing or the other for this country to move forward. Of course, the ones that have been given the grant should utilise it. The thing is that we should all sit together on the review roundtable as there will be suggestions from stakeholders. We are ready for the review. We can’t say it should continue to be 30 per cent.
There seems to be a disconnect between the financial sector and the agric sector with regards to interest rate. What is your take on this?
I don’t see why interest rate to the agric sector should be more than five per cent. There is no reason. Nobody will be encouraged to go into farming when the bank is offering loan at 20-25 per cent. It doesn’t make sense. Five per cent interest is still better. Before I went into farming, I didn’t know it will be difficult. There are some many disasters  that befall the farmer. If the interest rate is low, when disasters strike, you can easily start all over again. If you give somebody loan at four  to five per cent he a lot of people  will be encouraged to go into farming and they will do well.
Do you think there is need for the return of marketing boards and strengthening of commodities exchange?
I don’t understand why we have to keep thinking backwards. I don’t understand why people  should be talking about marketing boards. What did they achieve? Why did the government scrap cocoa and other commodities board in 1986? Farmers revolted against them. The commodities board members were feeding fat, driving expensive cars all over the place. The board was making all the money while the farmers were suffering. The farmers were not paid appropriate prices for their commodities. Some were being owed for months. At the end of the day, they abandoned their farms. Some of them in annoyance cut off the tress. That is why they killed all the coffee farms. They killed the trees and started planting yams and cassava. At least, they were sure of getting income from them. So, when they scrapped the cocoa board and cocoa association came online, it was free enterprise, free entry; you can do your cocoa, quote your price, follow the world price, quote whatever you wanted to quote, sell your cocoa the way you want it and we were overseeing it, the farmers started getting back. After they were scrapped, Cocoa Association of Nigeria (CAN) was formed. The association took over the role except buying and selling. We don’t need any special boards that will be paid salaries from  the government purse again. Because that money you are going to pay them where are you going to get it from? They will start surcharging farmers to get money to pay the boards. The associations need to be empowered to carry out the functions of the boards.
How about commodity exchange?
It is laudable but I told them they should concentrate on domestic products like  beans, sorghum, cassava, millets, garri, tomatoes and things that are consumed locally because they can’t control  or compete for things such as cocoa that are traded on the international markets or exchanges. Countries like Malaysia have tried and dumped it. It was not working .You don’t start trading on commodities that you don’t have control on. They should start with produce that are consumed locally.
From the way agriculture is structured in this country, we know that 90 or 95 percent of farm production is  done by small scale farmers. It is not easy mobilising them to get their produce to the commodity exchange. I am in support of the commodity exchange. But I have told them we have to crawl before we start to walk and run. We always want to start from the top and then crash at the bottom. It is better to grow gradually from the bottom so that when we get to the top we will be able to remain there. Don’t take on things that you can’t control, it is better to take on things that we control extensively.
What is your blueprint on how to return agriculture to the front burner?
We are going to concentrate on a few commodities .Basically there is no agric commodity that cannot be exported. There are major commodities that are doing well, not to talk about solid minerals. Solid minerals are there in abundance. Precious metals are there in abundance. With all these resources, there no way we are not going to be raking in $300 to 400 billion annually into this country.  We want to increase production of exportable commodities with a view to increasing their foreign exchange earning capacity and further diversifying the country’s export base and sources of foreign exchange earnings. We are determined to modernise agricultural production, processing, storage and distribution through the infusion of improved technologies and management so that youths can be attracted to farming. We have identified key agricultural commodities. We are determined to integrate young Nigerians into agricultural value chains and encourage innovation.

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