Italian defender Giorgio Chiellini and former Argentinian star Diego Maradona have both slammed FIFA for the: "excessive" and "shameful" punishment they have handed down on disgraced Uruguayan striker Luis Suarez, as reported by Sky Sports.

Suarez cast shame on what has been a spectacular World Cup in Brazil when he sunk his teeth into the shoulder of Italian defender Giorgio Chiellini, during their crucial Group D clash earlier in the week.
FIFA imposed a four month ban from all football, a nine match ban from international football and a £65,800 fine, on the troubled star, a decision Chiellini believes was too much.
Suarez has never swayed too far from controversy following similar incidents during his time at PSV, and more recently at Liverpool, with opinions split on whether the punishment was too harsh or not.
However a number of top stars in the game have appear to have hung their feet on Suarez's side of the fence, while not condoning his behaviour, but agreeing that FIFA went overboard.
Brazilian striker Fred was one on the first to show support for Suarez believing the ban could be detrimental to his career.
"You can't deny that he committed a mistake, but as a player and a human being who sometimes takes things to heart, I think is too severe," Fred told the media.
"The majority of people I have spoken to about it think it is fair but it is a punishment that could ruin his livelihood.
"I think he has to be punished, but I would really like to see him continue playing in this World Cup in Brazil."
Suarez's grandmother Lila Piriz Da Rosa, told Reuters that the authorities: "had their eyes on him to see what he does. It's barbaric what they've done to him,"
A visibly upset Piriz went on to say: "Everyone knows what they've done to Luis. They wanted him out of the World Cup. Perfect, they did it. They chucked him out of there like a dog,"
The assaulted player in the incident, Italian and Juventus defender, Giorgio Chiellini, has also expressed his surprise at the length of the ban.
"Now inside me there's no feelings of joy, revenge or anger against Suarez for an incident that happened on the pitch and that's done," said the centre-back.
"There only remain the anger and the disappointment about the match. At the moment my only thought is for Luis and his family, because they will face a very difficult period.
"I have always considered unequivocal the disciplinary interventions by the competent bodies, but at the same time I believe that the proposed formula is excessive.
"I sincerely hope that he will be allowed, at least, to stay close to his team mates during the games because such a ban is really alienating for a player."
Argentine legend, Diego Maradona, also took the opportunity to throw his support around Suarez.
Or perhaps Maradona saw it as an opportunity to have a swipe at FIFA, an organisation that he has never held close to his heart, after being banned for 15 months during the World Cup in 1994, for testing positive for a banned substance.
Maradona, a host of his own television show, took to filming wearing a t-shirt showing the message: "Luis, we are with you".
"The FIFA sanction is shameful, they have no sensitivity towards the fans, they might as well handcuff him and throw him in Guantanamo," said Maradona.
"The sanction on Luis is a way of punishing Uruguayan clubs for asking CONMEBOL (the South American confederation) for a fairer share of money. It hurts that they have cut short the career of a lad who is a winner. It's an excessive suspension, FIFA cannot talk about morals to anyone.
"Suarez didn't kill anyone. This is an unjust punishment."